Rocky Mountain High
Recommended Supplies
50% of learning to paint is in the supplies you use. If you use inferior grade products expect inferior results with your painting.
Oil or Acrylic
What ever you use but here is a list of the least expensive colours the make the most amount of mixes. (Follow also for Acrylic )
- Cad yellow light
- Cad yellow deep Yellow ochre
- Cad orange
- Perlyne maroon (maroon in acrylic by Golden)
- Quinacridone rose or permanent rose.
- Ultra blue
- Manganese blue hue
- Viridian green
- Titanium white
Try to use artist grade paints (Gamblin or M Graham etc) Please no student grade and defiantly no craft paints.
The bigger the better. Strip off palettes are great. Please NO egg cartons or Styrofoam meat trays.
- Good quality bristle brushes. No Dollar store brushes. 2,4,6,8,10, Flats.
- 1- 3” cheap big bristle brush for blending. #1 or 2 taklon liner brush
- Small amount of q- tips., keep in zip lock bag.
- Brush washer, A good metal leak proof bush washer is a very good item to invest in. You will thank me for it. For acrylic paints - yogurt containers with a kitchen scratchy in the bottom (this is a must if you want clean brushes).
- You do not need to bring solvent with you. I will supply, and have lots.
- You also do not need to bring a medium with you as I will bring that with me.
- Retarder medium for acrylic. Things dry fast. This is a must if your an acrylic painter.
Any size you would like to try. Smaller canvases are easier to get finished in class; large canvases will
allow you less time to try things. We will be painting up to 4-paintings a day. - 8x10, econo canvas boards/ panels masonite boards. I will show you how to get them home easily.
- Sketchbook for thumb-nails and taking notes.
- Vine charcoal
- Blue shop towels (hardware store
- Garbage bags (Safeway bag)
- A good quality table top or portable easel will be a necessity.
- If you are doing acrylic, gouache, or watercolour you will want some kind of foldable or collapsable water containers.