Creative Splash - A Deep Dive into Watercolour Techniques

Recommended Supplies

Watercolour Supplies

  • 2H, 2B pencil
  • Graphite stick 6B, large round
  • Kneaded eraser
  • 01 Micron archival ink pen
  • One roll, painters, tape, optional
  • Pallet – should be white with large mixing area
  • old toothbrush
  • small white candle
  • masking fluid
  • painting board -strong, quarter inch or thicker approximately 16“ x 16“ or larger (depending on your painting size preference. )
  • paint brushes, flats, and or round synthetic - various sizes.
  • 1” flat synthetic brush
  • #10 or larger round synthetic brush.
  • Paper – arches 140 pound, cold press OR a watercolour block (pad) arches 140 pound cold press
If you stretch watercolour paper, or would like to learn how I will go over that method.
If you are interested in stretching watercolour paper, you will need a box, cutter knife, one roll of butcher's paper, tape, a kitchen sponge. (Stretching watercolour paper is optional You’re welcome to just show up with your paper and tape it to your board with masking paper painters tape.) 
  • (Ginwashie rice paper will be supplied. )
  • Kleenex or roll of toilet paper
  • small spray bottle, (fine mist)
  • small container of table salt.
  • Watercolour pencils, if you have them. (Optional.)
Paint Supplies
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Cobalt Blue
  • Payne’s Gray
  • *Alizarin Crimson
  • Sap Green
  • Cadmium Red
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Burnt Umber
  • Naples Yellow
  • New Gamboge Yellow
  • Yellow Ocher
(Try to have a dollop of all colors squeezed out and dried prior to retreat.)
If you have any questions about the list, please email me at: